The Philadelphia Art Alliance is pleased to host a special exhibition, concurrent with the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show (whose theme this year is Germany), on our Third Floor during the entire month of November.
WUNDERWERK, Selected Works from Austria/Germany: 1970-2010, includes over 50 pieces of jewelry by renowned artists such as Claus Bury, Wolfgang Rahs, Peter Skubic, Svenja John and many more. This extensive collection of German and Austrian jewelry was assembled from private and public collections the world over, and was organized by internationally-recognized independent curator Helen Drutt. The exhibition will remain on the Third Floor through November 28, 2010.
Featured Artists: David Bielander, Helen Britton, Claus Bury, Bettina Dittlman, Georg Dobler, Christiane Forster, Karl Fritsch, Toni Goessler-Snyder, Mirjam Hiller, Therese Hilbert, Mari Ishikawa, Svenja John, Hermann Junger, Helfried Kodre, Daniel Kruger, Otto Kunzli, Fritz Maierhofer, Falko Marx, Erico Nagai, Wolfgang Rahs, Gerd Rothmann, Peter Skubic, Caroline von Steinau-Steinruck, Josef Symon, Norman Weber and Petra Zimmerman.